iphone - SenTestingKit (integrated with XCode) versus GHUnit on XCode 4 for Unit Testing? -

Any suggestions about the unit testing on XCode 4 of SenTestingKit (Inbuilt Unit Test Settings with XCode 4) and Geotunit? Specifically:

  • Does this mean that there is no major benefit to running with GHUnit, with the apparent improvement in unit testing in XCode 4? Alternatively, there are some integration benefits that create a smooth development process that uses XCode's Unit Testing Frame (Sternastkat) in opposition to the G-H-NIT. Can be obtained by doing?

    Greg, I answered your question on my blog, almost 2 weeks late :). The conclusion I have come on is that GHUnet is not obsolete, but you should use ShentastingKat for new projects on Ext4.
