As far as I can tell, it only affects IE 8.
Using the following code, GIF appears, but is not animated (stuck in one position):
$ ("# ) Click (function () {$ ("# assessmentListLoaderImg"). Show ();}); I have also used .css ('display', 'block') with the same code. Is there any acceptable way (perhaps better than this) to produce an animated GIF that produces reliable cross-browser results?
This is the way to solve this problem:
& Lt; Div id = 'myHiddeDiv' style = 'display: none' & gt; & Lt; Img src = '' id = 'my anonymous image' & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Input type = 'button' value = 'show image' onclick = 'showDiv ();' & Gt; & Lt; Script languag = 'javascript' & gt; Function show () () {document.getElementById ('myHiddeDiv'). Style.display = ""; Document.getElementById ('myAnimatedImage'). Src = ""; } & Lt; / Script & gt; You need to reset the source of the image tag, it forces IE to re-submit and therefore it shows animated.
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