How to embed jasper report in jsp page using struts2-jasperreports-plugin -

I am creating a report, using the Joseph report and successfully in my web application, Straits 2-Jesperportport- I am preparing reports with the plugin. The report is displayed in HTML format, now I need to embed this report in a jsp page, but there was no way to do this.

Can anyone help me?

has used the following string configuration: I:

  & lt; Action name = "myJasperTest" class = "com.action.jasperAction" method = "execute" & gt; & Lt; Name of the result = "success" type = "jasper" & gt; & Lt; Param name = "location" & gt; Jasper \ report4.jasper & lt; / Param & gt; & Lt; Param name = "data source" & gt; MyList & lt; / Param & gt; & Lt; Param name = "format" & gt; HTML & lt; / Param & gt; & Lt; Param name = "imageServletUrl" & gt; / Servlets / image? Image = & lt; / Param & gt; & Lt; / Results & gt; & Lt; / Action & gt;    

I use something to manage my layout such as pages which are tiles Can help write them, and using it, creates a JSP tile with an iframe that targets "myselfpartate".

I do not think there is an easy way to do this with the plugin if you are not partial to the iframe solution, you can use Jasper Reports, as you can see in your action the Java SE project Will do in As a result capture the use of HTML and XML tools, or perhaps cut the routine expression for the page you want, to cut it (delete the header and not).
