I have a problem with the subclassed NSCL (check box cell). I want them to have a title and a subtitle next to the checkmark (so I have created NSString properties for them). Their values will be set through binding (terrible to IB) but the problem here is:
IB only allows me to set "value" of cells, in my case the checkmark For a BOOL state
What class should the NSARAC controller be able to serve the data? It seems that the cells can not be compelled to do anything themselves and are doing things like that do not work too. I am going to accept it Because you are doing it in a cell-based Nstable Weave, because NSButtonCell exposes a One of the ways is that your I Note that this question is outdated, but these days NSView based NSTableViews will be easy to use. When this is done, you are dealing with first-class NSButton control, with both price and title binding (and a bunch of others) available, this is often a more practical approach, assuming that you have before the lion Not worried about supporting the OS version. title binding, but it is useless in terms of NSTableView, because you have to bind NSTableColumn, and That exposes the value binding for NSTableColumn containing NSButtonCells only. This is a lack of profile, and one such that Google has shown that many people have fought with it.
-tableView: dataCellForTableColumn: row: and
-tableView: willDisplayCell: forTableColumn: line: representative methods change the underlying model Time is not being updated via KVO. If it is important for your application, then for a workaround, make a modem of the model for the
value of the checkbox's keypad-dependent checkbox for the
title of the checkbox. In this way, when the title changes, KVO will send information for change in value, so that the line can be reproduced, and thus will be updated by the representative method.
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