In my app, there is an inclusive operation on form submissions. In most cases the inclusion campaign is successful. Sometimes the entry is not operational and then, it is giving Many times (such as trojo phoe has been suggested) are these kinds of problems because the cursor is still I have found that I can try using most problems / ending codebals at the end. This ensures that the cursor will always be closed, no matter what. java.lang.RuntimeException . Here is the logbat description:
03-28 10: 52: 09.260: error / costume (1501): can not FD = 1023, size = 1048576, err = 0 (too much Open files) October 03-28: 52: 9.260: Error / IMemory (1501): 52: 9.260: error / BpMemoryHeap (binder = 0x5919b0), size = 1048576, fd = -1 (bad file number ) Can not map to 03-28 October JavaBinder (1501): *** Unwanted remote exception! (Exceptions are not yet supported in the processes.) 03-28 10: 52: 09.260: Error / JavaBinder (1501): java.lang.RuntimeException: Memory memobb 03-28 10: 52: 09.260: Error / JavaBinder (1501): android.database.CursorWindow.native_init (Native Method) on 03-28 October: 52: 09.260: Error / JavaBinder (1501):. Android.database.CursorWindow & lt; Init & gt; ( Peters18) 03- 28 10: 52: 9.260: Error / JavaBinder (1501): android.database.CursorWindow & lt; Init & gt; ( October 03-28:. 52: 9.260: Error / JavaBinder (1501): .database.CursorWindow $ 1.createFromParcel ( on October 03-28: 52: 09.260: Error / JavaBinder (1501): android $ 1.createFromParcel at database.CursorWindow ( October 03-28: 52: 09.260: Error / JavaBinder (1501): 52: android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact ( 3 -October 29.260: Error / JavaBinder (1501): on android.os.Binder ExecTransact (Binder.Java: 287) 03-28 10: 52: 09.260: Error / Javabinder (1501): What is the problem with my code in Dalvik.system.Nativ
cursor cursor = null; Try {cursor = db.insert (...); More code here} Finally {if (cursor! = Null) {cursor.close (); Cursor = null; }}
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