python - Flask redirects on GAE -

Hello I am using a flask on Google App Engine ( I have a low code

  @ app.route ("/ edit.html", methods = ['GET', 'POST']) def (): If request.method == 'GET': form = ImageForm () return render_template ('edit.html', title = u'Add ', form = form) if request.method ==' POST ': image = Image () form = ImageForm (Request Form , Image) if form.validate () and request.files ['image']: form.populate_obj (image) if request.files ['image']: image.file = request.files ['image']. () Image.put () Return Redirect (url_for ("edit", id = image.key ()) Other: return render_template ('edit.html', title = u'Add ', form = form) @app ( AD): image = Image.get (id) form = ImageForm (request.form, image) route ("/ edit / & lt; id & gt; Html", methods = ['GET', 'POST'] ) Return to Reader_Template ('edit.html', title = u'Edit ', form = form)   

But the browser sent me to a given URL

  Return Redirect (url_for ("edit", id = image.key ()))   

I get a message:

Image status: 302 content Type: text / html; Charset = utf-8 Location: http: // localhost: 8080 / edit / agtyb3VnaC1kcmFmdHILCxIFSW1hZ2UYDQw.html Content-Length: 299

Redirect ...

Redirecting ...

You must be automatically redirected to target URLs: /edit/agtyb3VnaC1kcmFmdHILCxIFSW1hZ2UYDQw.html. If the link is not clicked on.

I do not understand what's wrong with my code?

Output the text in response before the feedback of the FLAC framework is something in your code (it seems That's like printing 'image') - Maybe there's a print statement somewhere in your code. Consequently, the header tries to produce flasks instead of interpreted as part of the body of the reaction.
