jquery - How to ascertain location (co-ords) of a tweet -

I am using jQuery to retrieve and display tweets about 2 football teams in json format . I am currently printing text and user ID but I am planning to customize these Tweets to Google Maps. But first I have to catch the place of tweets.

The basic code so far is below;

  & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {var Team 1, Team 2; Team 1 = '& gt; Php echo $ _GET ["team1"] ;? & gt;' team2 = '& lt; php Echo $ _GET ["team2"] ;; & gt; var var ur1 = "http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=%23" + team1 + "and callback =" Var url2 = "Http: // search .twitter.com / search.json? Q =% 23" + team2 + "& amp; callback =?"; $ .getJSON (url1, function (results) {// Tweets var res1 = results .results [0] receive text; var userid1 = results. [0] .from_user_id; $ ("# last-tweet1") .HTML (res1 + "& lt; p & gt; User id:" + UserID1); // Get the first tweet in response and put it into div}}; $ .getJSON (url2, function (result) {// Tivet Results Result [0] .text; var User Id = 2 Results Result [0] .from_user_id; $ ("# Last -Twitter2") .html (res2 + "& lt; p & Gt; User ID: "+ userID2 +" & lt; / p & gt; "); // Get the first tweet in response and place it inside the div});    

Each result object contains a geo element Unfortunately the top tweets do not have location information attached, so you Many will not get.
