javascript - How to convert a time format that I got from PHP to a format that jQuery countdown accepts -
I have such a time format, it is stored in my database .. and I want to convert it to a format I accept the countdown to JQuery. I think the jQuery countdown accepts this type of format
Sun Jan 01 2012 00:00:00 GMT + 0800 (Malay Peninsula Standard Time) But the problem is, my time format is like this:
2011-03-29 00:01:03 In order of jQuery Hank Countdown to count, I need to convert a long format .. how to do it?
Here is the jQuery website
You do not need it in that long format , This is the same format that is output when you try to print javascript date objects.
You must create a Javascript
The basic way to do this is:
var date = new date ([year], [month] , [Day]); Note: The month is zero indexed. That is January 0, is February 1, December 11. So if you spit it using php.
$ date = new dateTime ('2011-03 -29 00:01:03'); Format ('n') - 1, $ date- ('y'), 'date date', 'date date', 'date date = new date (% d,% d,% d);', $ date- & Gt; & Gt; Format ('J'), $ date-> Format ('H'), $ date-> Format ('i'), $ date- & gt; Format ('s')); Alternatively, you can pass it using json: json_encode (array ('year' => = date- & gt; format ('y'), 'month '= & Gt; $ date- & gt; format (' n ') - 1,' day '=> date $ & gt; format (' j ')' hour '= & gt; $ date- & Format ('h'), 'min' =>> $ date-> format ('i'), 'second' => $ date- & gt; format ('s'))) ; Then create a date with javascript:
var date = new date (json.year, json.month,, json.hour, Json.minute, json.second);
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