c# - Linq to SQL lambda join -

There is a problem with this, I have tried to follow several examples, but I can not find it . It uses the non-lambda path correctly, but how do I connect with the use of lambda expressions?

  var myCats = GetAllCats (); Var myHouses = GetAllHouses (); // pseudosql: a.id = b.id at    

select from an inner BO I:

  join var fullData = myCats (My house, one => a.id, b => gt; (a, b) => a);   

That's what I found by seeing other examples on the SO, but the full data type IEnumerable & lt; Cat & gt; so I can not stop any properties from the house.

  var full data = myCats.Join (myHouses, cat => cat.id, Home = & gt; house.id, (cat, house) => new {cat = cat, home = home}); Access   

complete data via first () ... cat ... or full data.First (). House ... .
