resize - Thumbnail creation in Java -

I want to make thumbnails for a group of images, for that I am using the following code.

  Public Zero Run () {try {bufferedImage originalImage = (new file (url)); Int type = original image.tatype () == 0? BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB: originalImage.getType (); IMG_HEIGHT = (Original Image. Giant (* 600) / Original Image. Geteworth (); Buffetedesize resizemage.gpg = resize image (original image, type); ImageIO.write (resizeImageJpg, "jpg", new file (thumbs)); OriginalImage.flush (); ResizeImageJpg.flush (); System.gc (); } Hold (IOException e) {System.out.println (e.getMessage ()); System.out.println ("not created:" + url); }} Private static BufferedImage resizeImage (BufferedImage original image, int type) {BufferedImage resizedImage = new BufferedImage (IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT, type); Graphics 2DG = resized image. Categorization (); G.drawImage (original image, 0, 0, IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT, empty); G.dispose (); System.gc (); Refunded image; }   

This code is working fine and is making thumbnails. But the problem is that, in the case of large numbers of images, I am getting "Java Hip Space Error". Is this the problem with this code? How can I solve this issue. Thanks in advance. If there is any other code to change your shape, please give me two.

Try this image scaling library, it works fine for me.
