cygwin ssh batch script for windows 2008 -

Sigwin is configured in Windows Server 2008, now we need to implement automation, I'm writing a batch script to add the user to the signin \ etc \ passwd using the following command

mkpasswd -l -u% username% -p / home & gt; & Gt; / Etc / passwd

Please help me to execute the following CMD in the batch file

  c: chdir C: \ cygwin \ bin bash - Login -i mkpasswd -l -u% Username% -p / home & gt; & Gt;    Windows and Unix mix in your windows batch file is running as a Windows command, such as the mkpasswd command in Windows  / etc / passwd  There is no concept and throws an error, maybe something like that;  
  D: \ cygwin \ bin> mkpasswd -l -u testusr -p / home & gt; & Gt; The / etc / passwd system can not detect the specified path   

Looking at what you are doing with mkpasswd I suggest that you find a way to run your automation from within Saigwin. Probably the establishment of a
