I was reading about Android, and this was a method ShowAlert, but a friend tells me that ShowAlert is in ShowDialog Was updated but I do not know how to use it. Someone can tell me how I can use it ???
Thank you!
In Android, you can create the following types of dialog: AlertDialog ProgressDialog DatePictureDialog TimePictureDialog
In addition you can also create your own custom dialog.
You will need to use the Class Alert Dialog for the change dialog.
You can set the properties of the warning dialog by creating the builder of the dialog:
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder (this);
You can now set some properties of this builder by using some functions like SetMessage (), setCancelable (), setPositiveButton (), setNegativeButton () etc.
The last step is to create your dialog for: AlertDialog alert builder.create ();
And then you can use alert.show () to display your alerts.
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