java - JSONP or other alternatives? -

I am developing a web site that works with my custom built webserver in Java Web site PHP / JavaScript is running on Apache in JQuery and I have created a simple second webserver in Java which supports some of the designs I have designed, and this server runs under another port xxxxx The problem is, i have jquery Want to request another server Domains are different, this page runs on the domain and $ .getJSON function calls domain: xxxxx is not allowed. I thought the user is related to issues related to $ $ .getjsonp but related issues are tied between two points ( I was thinking that a token beyond the callback generated by JQN). Two coins are secured in this case supported by $$ .getJSONP or other options to think in browsers support (IE 7 + and FF3 +) exist.

Sorry for my English :)

Best regards Liloiro

JSONP should work for your needs, though your other server will have a proxy service on your other server. Request server side your client-side code, instead of JSN, all the data is root through json Can be accessed in the form of
