Core graphics do not provide an anchor point property, and all conversions / translators assume an anchor point 0,0 (bottom left). . Core animation provides an anchor point, but we are not using CA.
Does anyone know how to modify the transformation matrix (CGF is used with Transforms) so that we have different anchor point locations, center, etc.)?
Thank you
Be sure to translate the desired point to 0, 0. Regardless of the changes you want, apply it. Then apply inverse translation.
Say that you want to rotate the point 25, 25. Do this:
CGFFEINE TRANSFORM * T = CZFIN TransformMake (); T = CGFine transportlet (T, -25, -25); T = c GEFFEN transcentrate (T, angle); T = CGFine transcontinental (T, 25, 25); At this point, T is a change that will rotate about 25, 25 from angle.
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