iphone - how to change barbuttonitem from edit to done -

I am putting the toolbar at the top of my view with the editing button.

I'm taking action to edit the table shown below for the edit button.

  - (IBAction) Edit ModeForTable {[tableview setEditing: Animated Yes: Yes]; NSLog (@ "Edit Button"); }   

What do I need now when I click on the edit button, I have to change this button to edit button.


This is my screen.

Whenever I click on the edit, I have to set the edit mode for the table

Similarly, whenever I click on the button that I have done, I need to change it Which should edit the button and edit mode incorrectly.


  - (IBAction) Edit Moderate {if (buttonClickid == 1} {[All List Set Editing: Yes Animated : Yes]; Mybutton.style = UIBarButtonSystemItemDone; Mybutton.title = @ "done"; button clicked = 2; NSLog (@ "mmm");} if (button-clicked == 2) {[All List Set Editing: No Animated: Yes]; Mybutton.style = UIBarButtonSystemItemEdit; MyButton.title = @ "Edit"; ButtonClickD = 1; NSLog (@ "PPP");} NSLog (@ "Edit Button Click");     < P> This button is the action, where the button is clicked.  

Post text "itemprop =" text ">

  [btn setstyle: UIBarButtonItemStyleDone]; [BTN SETITAL: @ "DONE"];   

The return to the BTN interface builder is an IBOLet associated with the button, or your created UIBarButtonItem

Your argument has broken.

  - (IBAction) editModeForTable {if [all the edits are edited]] {[All List Set Editing: Yes Animated: Yes]; Mybutton.style = UIBarButtonSystemItemDone; Mybutton.title = @ "" Done "; NSLog (@" mmm ");} and {[All List Set Editing: No Animated: Yes]; Mybutton.style = UIBarButtonSystemItemEdit; Mybutton.title = @" Edit "; NSLog (@" PPP ");} NSLog (@" Edit Button Click ");}    
