iphone - show hide tab in uitabview programatically -

How to hide some tab / s oprogramatically in the uitabview application

How to hide some tabs To modify FinishLaunchingWithOptions, for example

  • (BOOL) Application: (UIApplication *) Application FinishLaunchingWithOptions: (NSDictionary *) launchOptions {

    // launch an override point for optimization after app.

    // Add the current view of the tab bar controller as a subview of the window [auto. Windows Aid Sewiewewe: Tab Bark Controller. See]; [Self. Windows and knowledgeable];

    Yes return; }

    I for Tab controller. View controller in UIViewController * v) {UIViewController * Vc = v; If ([vc isKindOfClass: [First ViewController class]]) {FirstViewController * myViewController = vc; Vc.view.hidden = Yes; }}

    but it removes the contents of this view, but how can the first named tab still remove it?

    Best regards

    Use the hidden property of UIView as the UIView ,
