I am looking for a railway activated record based gem to provide data profiling so that I can change the data changes. Imagine:
class report & lt; ActiveRecord scope: overdue, lambda {where: due_date & lt; = Time.now} profile_counts overdue,: frequency => end of night It would be thought that the "profile_counts" method
please gems, best practices etc. Please advise on
Maybe I do not understand the question, but will not have a simple cron job, run daily, you What do you want to do?
42 2 * * * CD $ home / app; Rail runner 'trends Create! (: Overdue => overdue quote) ' Where are the only date (date) and overdue columns in the trend table?
I think you can roll a plugin which will use Rufus :: Scheduler or whenever the gem, but it looks like an overkill for me.
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