javascript - jquery lightbox issue -

I use

and I get an error: $ ("# slider") .easySlider is not a function

Any idea, what can this be? All the files have been loaded correctly, I think that when I click on a picture, I get a bigger version ... any ideas?

The issue you are describing comes from the file included on this line:

  & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "js / customslide.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt;   

Because JavaScript has been disabled due to your jQuery error in adding lightbox, so .lightbox () has never been added.

When you remove that line, see it.

Optionally adding a plugin if it is really necessary: ​​

In addition, in your comments for the lightbox code, you know That you can see the in the lightbox with anchor & lt; A ... & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; Adding Lightbox to , Rel is attribute, but you are not just adding your Lightbox to all anchors in your code !!

Due to your existing HTML, you can call it $ ('A') instead of your code. Light box ();

  $ ('a'). Each (function () {var obj = $ (this); if (obj.children ('img'). Size ()> gt; {obj.lightbox ();}});   

It will run through each anchor, check that the anchor is wrapping an image & lt; Img .... / & gt; , then it will add .lightbox () to anchor.

See this work notice Your home link now works as a link instead of opening . Lightbox () Like the first example.
