I use
and I get an error: Any idea, what can this be? All the files have been loaded correctly, I think that when I click on a picture, I get a bigger version ... any ideas? The issue you are describing comes from the file included on this line: Because JavaScript has been disabled due to your jQuery error in adding lightbox, so When you remove that line, see it. Optionally adding a plugin if it is really necessary: In addition, in your comments for the lightbox code, you know That you can see the Due to your existing HTML, you can call it It will run through each anchor, check that the anchor is wrapping an image See this work notice Your home link now works as a link instead of opening $ ("# slider") .easySlider is not a function
& lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "js / customslide.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt;
.lightbox () has never been added.
in the lightbox with anchor
& lt; A ... & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; Adding Lightbox to , Rel is attribute, but you are not just adding your Lightbox to all anchors in your code !!
$ ('A') instead of your code. Light box ();
$ ('a'). Each (function () {var obj = $ (this); if (obj.children ('img'). Size ()> gt; {obj.lightbox ();}});
& lt; Img .... / & gt; , then it will add
.lightbox () to anchor.
. Lightbox () Like the first example.
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