I have searched this issue on the forum and have solved the " It has got to load and run and still it constantly pops up the error. I have also run it without sparks, I have read further on a bunch of RSPC information and have said that Spark is dug through the information, but nothing is yet. I have also run a check for typos, indentation, encoding ... and still on the other issues, I am able to fix it, but if I have any suggestion then here is the following:
1) Is the user password encryption has_password? The password should be false if the password does not match the failure / error: @ User = User. Create! (@true) ActiveRecord :: UnknownAttributeError: Unknown Attribute: Password # ./spec/models/user_spec.rb:94:in `1 example ending in 0.836 seconds, 1 failure & lt; - Slave (1) completed!
Are you certain that you have a virtual feature on your user model Is added in? It is easy to remember but you must include the line
attr_accessor: password
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