Content Assist not working in applicationContext.xml with Java Project with 'Spring Project Nature' in eclipse -

I have a simple Java project using Spring 3 and Hibernate 3.

I use the "Spring Project Nature" Spring IDE application.context.xml file in the src folder of the project.

Material Assist feature of Eclipse 3.5 does not appear to work in applicationContext.xml:

  • The square attribute of the Bean tag inside of my Java project includes packages and sections Can not find.
  • This can not be assisted with any attributes, such as searching for existing beans in applicationContext.xml for special Ref.

    1. Project properties & gt; Spring & gt; Bean Help & gt; Config set & gt; Add new group (contains all configuration files). Then open applicationContext.xml.
    2. If content support does not work, try opening the file related to Spring Conflict Editor.
    3. If the project properties & gt; Spring does not exist in step 1, install:

      • Springs ource Tool Suit: Core / STS & gt; SpringSource Tool Suite (Required)
      • Additional Extensions if needed, e.g. AOP, AutoWire, Security
