cocos2d iphone - Multiple cpShapes (chipmunk) -

So I have made two shapes (shift is to be accurate) and I want them to have the same CCSP print / image, I have to live in what I have made them. Is there any way to do this?

So in short, I am trying to get it.

  • I have a tire (CCSPream / image) and I have made 2 poly / CPhops, one for top and one below the tire so that when the user throws the football only its center Go through.
  • I need to add the top shift on the top of the tire and lower poly in the lower part of the tire
  • I am also able to use a collision on the tire, for example if the user Throws it and kills it in the bottom of the tire, so I should be able to use the tire in front and back with both moving sizes.

    The question really is how can I add two CPhapes in an image / CCSpress?

    I have created my own shapes like this:

      cpshape * upperspace = [game.spaceManager addPolyAt: CPV (70195) Jan: STATIC_MASS Rotation: 0 Points: 6 Numbers: CPV (2,12), CPV (28,8), CPV (33,0), CPV (36, -10), CPV (-33, -10), CPV (-20.8)]; Cpshape * LowerShare = [game.spaceManager addPolyAt: cpv (70,125) Jan: STATIC_MASS Rotation: 0 points number: 7 points: CPV (34,8), CPV (31,0), CPV (25, -9), CPV 7, -13), CPV (-20, -8), CPV (-30,0), CPV (-35,8)];   

    PS I'm using Space Manager + Chipmank

    Actually, you create a single CPBD, and attach it to 2 capswap. Using CcPhysicsSprite allows you to attach a body to the phantom, the result of which you are trying to achieve.
