Spring : serving static resources outside context root -

In the web app

, I need static content (images) located outside the application reference directory. For the overall application architecture I need to use the tomcos to do this. I thought I was the and lt; Mvc: resources & gt; , I can take advantage of configuring mapping between application URLs and directory contents. But AFAIK this mapping attribute only handles relevant references, or classmap mapping, therefore, what I want to use:

  & lt; Mvc: resources location = "/ images / **" mapping = "/ full / path / to / image / dir" />   

does not work as I avoid writing a simple file transfer sublet, I would be happy that someone can give me some pointers on existing spring based solutions / operations.

Many thanks.


& lt; Mvc: resources & gt; Can satisfy resources from outside, you need to use normal:

  & lt; Mvc: resource mapping = "/ images / **" location = "file: / absolute / path / to / image / dir /" />    
