In the code, everything is working in the media player but if I mute sound on the muted picture box Again, press another video or music file again that the sound is running and the sign-in mute picture box shows that in mute mode iam is the code for this silent picture box:
System.Object as Private Sub Volume_PictureBox_Click (ByVal Sender, System.EventA as ByVal E Rgs) Try Volume_PictureBox.Click the handle if Mutebol = False AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.settings.mute = True MuteBol = True Volume_PictureBox.Image = My.Resources.Muted_Volume_Hover'mute Picture MuteToolStripMenuItem.Checked = True Me.ToolTip1.SetToolTip (Volume_PictureBox, "UnMute" ) ElseIf MuteBol = True then AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.settings.mute = False MuteBol = False Volume_PictureBox.Image = My.Resources.Volume_Hover'un- mute photo MuteToolStripMenuItem.Checked = False Me.ToolTip1. SetToolTip (Volume_PictureBox, "Mute") End If Catch ex As Exception me to answer for SsageBox.Show (ex.Message & amp; laugh, but if you do, if you chose the mute first requires newly opened songs, it seems ones that you just need simple things, such as: <[new song is opened or changes in the current file or something like that] if Mutbol = True then Aeksvindo mediaplayer 1. Settings.mute = True End if Sounds simple enough, unless it be on the lookout for those who do not have the same. Hope it works!
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