iphone - Clear all UITextField changes in a UITableView with a UIButton -

I have a UITableView with a dozen lines, each has a UITextField, "Add value" to a placeholder value in UETextfield If the user does not already edit text fields:

  UITextField * textField = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (158, 6), 148, 24]]; NSSTING * Streplacement = [WIL Array ObjectAntx: IndexPath.ro]; If (([StrerPlacement Length]! = 0) {textField.text = strReplacement;} and {textField.placeholder = @ "Add Value"}} textField.delegate = self; [Cell Adsview: TextField]; [TextField Release];   

So far it is so good.

I have also added the UI button to the footprint of UITW.I want to clean all the edited values ​​and all Refresh the UITableView in UITableFields when the user clicks on YouTube.

I can easily access the original I can remove all objects from a normal array, but I can not understand how to reflect the changes to all UITableView cells.

I believe what you want

  [tableView reloadData];    
