I have a UITableView with a dozen lines, each has a UITextField, "Add value" to a placeholder value in UETextfield If the user does not already edit text fields:
UITextField * textField = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (158, 6), 148, 24]]; NSSTING * Streplacement = [WIL Array ObjectAntx: IndexPath.ro]; If (([StrerPlacement Length]! = 0) {textField.text = strReplacement;} and {textField.placeholder = @ "Add Value"}} textField.delegate = self; [Cell Adsview: TextField]; [TextField Release]; So far it is so good.
I have also added the UI button to the footprint of UITW.I want to clean all the edited values and all Refresh the UITableView in UITableFields when the user clicks on YouTube.
I can easily access the original I can remove all objects from a normal array, but I can not understand how to reflect the changes to all UITableView cells.
I believe what you want
[tableView reloadData];
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