firefox - Prevent target="_top" from taking over UI in Mozilla Chromeless -

I know that this is coming soon; I'm just hoping to start a head.

ChromeSoft is basically the UI without its UI. You can create your own UI using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Tabs / windows are loaded in the mainframe frame (Browser UI) which have special privileges that allow it to control iframe. Iframes look like they are "top" documents ( top === self ).

There are some issues where they have implemented these sandboxed iframes. One of these is that the link browser with the target = "_top" is loaded; Iframe not in the they do not respect the iframe sandbox.

Obviously this causes some problems if someone wants to implement the real browser without Chrome.

If you are familiar with chrome, gecko / aklerner, firefox, and / or creating a firefox extension and have an idea that iframe sandbox should be permanently iframe self _top to equalize> I should modify where else should I give a signal.

Sorry, you can not do this with HTML frame, you have to use & Lt; Xul: browser type = "content-primary" /> or equivalent.
