I call the TV screen on my iPhone where I show the TV locally on my iPhone, do it well I am I went to the application folder via SSH and found several .ts files and an M3 U8 file.
M3 U8 file here
Any way I can open that file on my windows computer How can I do that? Or how can I convert it?
Greetings, Johnny
This is a playlist (for M3U) In UTF-8 (for 8) I opened it with a text editor, it only references all your files:
# EXTM3U # EXT-X-TARGETDURATION: 10 # EXT -X-Media-SEQUENCE: 482475 # EXT-X-KE: METHOD = AES-128, URI = "" #EXTINF: 11, 13012386082_11_482473_.ts #EXTINF: 11 You can open .ts files with VLC: >
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