sql - String truncation, ANSI_WARNINGS OFF -

Using SQL Server 2008 (R2) I have two tables in different databases (similar columns and figures With - but different sizes). I am inserting values ​​from one to another - but the problem is that in the source table it is said: Navaracha (200) and the type of type in the destination table is nvarhchar (100). And there is data in the source table with fields larger than 100 characters, so error:

  * String or binary data will be truncated. *   

I have tried to use SourceServer at the command prompt (batch) SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF Go destination (COL1, col2,. ..), select col1, col2,. From $ SourceServer.dbo.SourceTable SET ANSI_WARNINGS GO

However, it is throwing an error that looks like this: " INSERT failed because the following SET The option is incorrect settings: 'ANSI_WARNINGS'. Verify that the SET option is calculated with indexed views and / or indexed columns and / or filtered index and / or query notifications and / or XML data type methods and / or spatial index operations Are right for use. "

How can I fix this?

You can narrow your data:

  in desttable Select Destcolumn from sourcetable to left (source column, 100)    
