iphone - Why my first item look like wrong? (see pic) -

My problem first thing is wrong It's not like others Some code makes my table when I scroll down and first Scrolling the item is like other items, but before I load my view it is bad.

  - (UITableViewCell *) TableView: (UITableView *) TV CellFarrayAttaxPath: (NSINXAP *) IndexPath {{TableView Setting: Yes]; NSString * MyIdentifier = @ "MyIdentifier"; UITableViewCell * cell = [TV dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: MyIdentifier]; If (cell == blue) {cell = [[[UITABLE VIACL ALLOC] InitVithframe: CGRxeroRece Identifier: MyDenFIFEER] AutoEques]; } [Cell.textLabel setText: [m_pArrayData objectAtIndex: indexPath.row]]; Return cell; }   

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  [tableView setEditing: yes];   

Do not be here. To see it, Toggle with WillAppear or, Better, Button.
