iphone - AdWhirl Implementation error -

I have a blank encoded document and TRAI is to implement AdWhirl, when I rebel it, I have These are errors.

  undefined symbols: "_SCNetworkReachabilityScheduleWithRunLoop", refers to: - [AWNetworkReachabilityWrapper scheduleInCurrentRunLoop] refers to, "_SCNetworkReachabilityUnscheduleFromRunLoop" in AWNetworkReachabilityWrapper.o: - the [AWNetworkReachabilityWrapper unscheduleFromCurrentRunLoop] AWNetworkReachabilityWrapper.o "_SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithName", Referenced: - [AWNetworkReachabilityWrapper initWithHostname: callbackDelegate:] AWNetworkReachabilityWrapper.o "_SCNetworkReachabilitySetCallback", referenced from: - [AWNetworkReachabilityWrapper initWithHostname: callbackDelegate: AWNetworkReachabilityWrapper.o ld: Symbol (s) not found collect2: ld 1 exit status   >  

mConfiguration.framework . Add it, and check that you also have other necessary frameworks.


Add the required system framework to supported ad networks:

 < Code> iAd Quartzcore system configuration      >    
