I'm not a little'm writing Dblupif applications that Outlook users through the C # approach the top 50 email (just email Other items will be read) integration.
To make my application UI responsive, I am setting up a MAPI connection and reading Inbox folder from a background worker.
Everything is fine, but for some users I get random exceptions.
WPFapplication.WPFOutlookView._getEmailsBackgroundWorker_DoWork on WPFapplication.WPFOutlookView.OutlookMailItem..ctor (MailItem items) on MicrosoftkOfficekInteropkOutlookk_MailItemkget_SenderName () on the operation failed (object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) This exception is very irregular and I am unable to reproduce it on my development machine. -
Can I use the background worker to set up the connectivity connectivity with a WPF app? (Because some online posts pointing to all Olokyum Oom calls, which should be in Olog main thread. It is also true that we are writing Outlook addin?)
If it is How can I make my application? Liability: When some user machines are out of any approach profile setup or the user is waiting to enter the password?
Update: I'm not trying to retry the email, just to spite me you need user input is my application need to load the UI when the user Sreyiyeted If it is entered, then it can wait to recover the email, if I call the OOM in the UI thread, my app is not logged in until the user is logged in the thread. Provide complete UI Ikeshn is not happening, that's the main reason to Oom phone in the background worker. My application is simple 1. A wpf footage and a list box which will display the top 20 email and whenever the user will receive a new email.2. My implementation is in my WPF scene has a background working which calls Oom and receive emails and updates a list and bound to this list box you suggest here?
better view, we received precise exception ...
Answer to your question:
1) Yes, this is applicable. OOM is an STA.
2) I do not get this clear. Let me try to answer that if this application is run without any outware, I doubt - to execute the OOM code, make sure the approach is established in the machine. Apart from this, OOM is not suitable for working in unattended mode (without setting up Outlook profile / waiting for the user to enter password). This is the design limit of OOM.
Hope it helps.
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