I am currently using the However, I do not know how to get post data without using a form: returns If If you have Chrome, try navigating to the page with the Developer toolbar. You can go to the 'console' tab and see AJX's request and see that the data was sent correctly. Similarly, if you have Firefox and Firebug, you can go to the page and view the AJAX request and check the post parameters. Believing that Javascript works, you want to log the request. In POST Before we can give a better answer, before that we will need a little more debugging information. :) post method for a view of jQuery '{{Csrf_token}}'}, "mysl"
. "" ("/ Myurl", {'value1': value1, 'value2': value2, 'csrftoken'}, function (data) {warning ("data loaded:" + data);});
def save_user_graph (requested): If request .method == 'POST': return HttpResponse (request.POST.get ('value1'), condition = 201)
none .
save_user_graph is not back, request.method is not posted. If the
save_user_graph is returning the word 'none' to a HTPRPS, then
value1 is not being sent correctly. Can you clarify what is the matter?
save_user_graph . In a pinch, you can only request
print. POST And, suppose you are using the Degene Dev server, the output will be printed in the dev server output.
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