Passing Items to MSBuild Task -

By crossing some objects, I would like to use the "MSBuild" function in my goal to create another project ( Together with their metadata) will be created. It is possible to pass the properties using properties or properties using additional properties metadata, I could not find a way to pass the item.
A possible solution is to write an item in a file and write the file name as an asset, but it will only pass the item without metadata.

Any thoughts?

Thank you.

To write custom metadata to dump items and metadata in one file another process, though raw rather than dump the items in the text, items containing a valid MSBuild project to create the file (items with meta data) and that went import project executed by MSBuild task generated file you Msbluild 4.0 to dump files Inline work Abuse can.

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  & lt; Using Task Job Name = "Likenitmavh metadata" Taskfainil = "Kodtskfactor" Asenblifail = "$ (MSBuildToolsPath) \ Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0.dll" & gt; & Lt; ParameterGroup & gt; & Lt; Outputfile parameter type = "System.String" required = "true" /> & Lt; Item parameter type = "Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem []" required = "true" /> & Lt; / ParameterGroup & gt; & Lt; Tasks & gt; & Lt; Namespace = "System.IO" /> & Lt; Code type = "piece" language = "cs" & gt; & Lt ;! [CDATA [// 9 code out of this code / item metadata names simplified with specific code To use ITCatcom / documentation arbitrarily // use meta data values ​​// Streaming Writer = Enable to use new streamer (outputfile) {writer.Write (" {0} ", Meta 1); Author: Light Line ("& lt; Meta2> {0} ", Meta 2); Author. Written ("& lt; / CopyItem";); } Author. WrightLine ("& lt; / ItemGroup & gt;"); Author.WriteLine ("& lt; / Project & gt;"); }] & Gt; & Lt; / Code & gt; & Lt; / Tasks & gt; & Lt; / UsingTask & gt; & Lt; ItemGroup & gt; & Lt; Include OriginalItem = "A" & gt; & Lt; Meta1 & gt; A1 & lt; / Meta1 & gt; & Lt; Meta2 & gt; A2 & lt; / Meta2 & gt; & Lt; / OriginalItem & gt; & Lt; Include OriginalItem = "B" & gt; & Lt; Meta1 & gt; B1 & lt; / Meta1 & gt; & Lt; Meta2 & gt; B2 & lt; / Meta2 & gt; & Lt; / OriginalItem & gt; & Lt; / ItemGroup & gt; & Lt; Target name = "write metadata with type" & gt; & Lt; WriteItemsWithMetadata OutputFile = "Out.prop" item = "@ (OriginalEystem)" /> & Lt; Exec command = "Type out.prop" /> & Lt; / Target & gt;    
