I'm trying to move my km to an external document for use with open layers. I work styling , When they are directly involved in the kmili file.
At first I thought I could use the simple kilogram for this with the style URL tag:
However, when I try to do this, the map.kml file is never requested, and markers are not visible. I've verified that the styleUrl url works.
I am loading my km L:
New open layers.layer.gml ('name', 'kimi l_path' {Format: OpenLayers.Format.KML} , FormatOptions: {extractStyles: true, extractAttributes: true}, projection: map.displayProjection}); OpenLayers.Format.KML API has some commentalising options called 'Styles' and 'Stylebus URL', but I do not get any documentation about them or how to use them is. Does anyone have any experience with these experiences?
There can be only one way, with a different SLD external file with styles and it will be your GML layer Apply to
Take a look at the SLD Open Layer Code Examples and simply replace the example layers with your layer and change the styles to sld-tasmania.xml file. In this way, you will not need to remove options in the format. Options
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