how to use the given mono patch -

How to use given mono patches For example, I have patch given below

Mono has a patch for a bug

First, how do I use it in mono?

This patch was clearly made against Mono SVN, which means that it should be very old, because Mono had gone to GIT some time ago. The patch may not apply.

But to answer your question, you can not patch your existing installation of mono. You have to download the mono source, apply the patch, and have to make it yourself.

If you are a Linux user, this is very important in establishing a source of mono from the installation of your package. Follow these instructions to set up a "parallel" mono environment:

After applying your patch, after capturing the mono source code, you must:

  • CD MCS (because this patch is < mcs module
  • patch -p0 & lt; download.patch (before applying) before merging in the Code> Mono module Patch file for mcs source for)

    Then proceed with build instructions, and when you do the test, make sure you are in your parallel environment.

    If you need help, then I would irc.gnome you. I'd like to join the # month IRC channel at org.

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