A little concerned with some of the qualities I have a Suchibak with objects selected items I have a list box text box and I have to edit them .. but my question is: when I select an item, and I fill some text to the text box that is what he delivers it, but if I click on another item I'm in the text box, I He fixes Ase?
This is an example of a text box: So I want to set the maximum time for my object..I see a text box while clicking on something in the list.
& lt; Text box height = "23" visibility = "{Binding Path = visible, Converter = {StaticResource boolToVis}, UpdateSourceTrigger = PropertyChanged}" Text = "{Binding Path = MaxTime, UpdateSourceTrigger = PropertyChanged, mode = TwoWay}" HorizontalAlignment = "left "Margin =" 376,322,0,0 "name =" textbox2 "verticalAlignment =" top "width =" 120 "/> This is my listbox:
& lt; ListBox SelectedItem = "{Binding Path = SelectedQuestionDropList, UpdateSourceTrigger = PropertyChanged, mode = TwoWay}" DisplayMemberPath = "Description" dd: DragDrop.IsDragSource = "True" dd: DragDrop.IsDropTarget = "True" Margin = "0,201,0,204" background = "# CDC5CBC5" DD: DragDrop.DropHandler = "{binding}" /> This is in my view-modal:
public INT maximum time {return returns maximum time; } Set {maxTime = value; OnPropertyChanged ("MaxTime"); This.examQuestion.MaxTime = Value; }} Perhaps, you need to change UpdateSourceTrigger set text box property and PropertyChanged for the text > LostFocus .
& lt; Text box height = "23" visibility = "{binding path = visible, converter = {StaticResource boolToVis}, UpdateSourceTrigger = PropertyChanged}" text = "{binding path = MaxTime, UpdateSourceTrigger = LostFocus, mode = TwoWay}" HorizontalAlignment = "left "Margin =" 376,322,0,0 "name =" textbox2 "verticalAlignment =" top "width =" 120 "/> Refer:.
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