osx - xcode 4 distribution build problem -

When trying to test my application (sent from a collection) created in XCode 4 on another computer , Like user guides do), I get this error in the console?

3/27/11 10:20:16 PM com.apple.launchd.peruser.501 [106] ([0x0-0x27be7bc] .xxx test [86534]) posix_spawn ("/ users / matte / Drops / test.ap / content / macos / test ", ...): Permission denied

Permissions are okay at all, I can not understand it. /p>

In the dropbox bundles does strange things to file permission (Mac / iOS apps are bundled). It seems that you have changed Xcode's default build folders (now called "derivative data", etc.) to indicate in this Dropbox folder. Do not do this.

Ensure that the app is made different from this folder and I'm sure it will work.
