I am using LightOpenID to authenticate OpenID against Google Apps. I request the initial authURL () and the things are good. I call valid () and it fails through the exuberant echo, I have tracked it under the last few lines of valid ().
Valid (), the url passed in the search (url url) is search () The first check for a xrds-location, which does not exist. The search () next checks that the content type is xrds + xml, which is true. Check service (. *) / Check for service, which is true. Here's the snippet of service, / service It shows that we are using OpenID 2 and pulls the URI field in the $ server variable. Search () Canonical ID continues to be extracted, searching that Google supports AX and SREG does not end, search () (validate)) keeps each field cleaned up in [], depending on magic_quotes Whether or not it sets openid.mode for 'check_authentication', returns $ server back to the search ($ url) and '/ is_valid: true' is a pregue for it's last pre_match Fails. $ Server URL does not return a verification but instead says, "The page you requested is invalid." The answer I'm looking for for Google Apps verification is the correct URL. A close second would be how the URL should look and I will dig through the information provided by Google Apps and see if I have something like that. ADDED: Not sure if this is the case but I have a / .well-known / host-meta file in place here: I know that you need more code or data. Thanks, Eric B. Ensure that the PHP curl extension is installed on your server Symptoms have been encountered and this server was related to an issue of provision. If you are running an app on Debian, then just use: https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/user-xrds?uri=http://my - Domain.com/openid?id=117665028262121597341
& lt; Service priority = "0" & gt; & Lt; Type & gt; Http: //specs.openid.net/auth/2.0/signon< / Type & gt; & Lt; Type & gt; Http: //openid.net/srv/ax/1.0< / Type & gt; & Lt; Type & gt; Http: //specs.openid.net/extensions/ui/1.0/mode/popup< / Type & gt; & Lt; Type & gt; Http: //specs.openid.net/extensions/ui/1.0/icon< / Type & gt; & Lt; Type & gt; Http: //specs.openid.net/extensions/pape/1.0< / Type & gt; & Lt; URI & gt; Https: //www.google.com/a/< My Domain & gt; .com / o8 / ud? Be = o8 & lt; / URI & gt; & Lt; / Services & gt;
https://www.google.com/a/my-domain $ Server as the .com / o8 / ud? Be = o8
link: & lt; Https: //www.google.com/accounts/o8/site-xrds? Hd = my-domain.com & gt; Rel = "described http://reltype.google.com/openid/xrd-op"; Type = "app / xrds + xml"
Install Apt-get php5-curl < / Div>
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