How can I use the new GWT MVP framework? -

I need a tutorial for the new GWT MVP framework that has been presented.

Google gives a little bit of information for me

  • Eventbus
  • What is meant by clientfiling - and how do I use it - the following?
  • location

    These are the categories that have been navigated to your program, About information encodes. You can create a place , which means "I'm on the home screen" and second, which means "I am editing with user id 52384. I think it's better for them The name will be PlaceTag s, because they are not really a place - they just indicate where your program is located. URL is placed at the locations located in PlaceHistoryMapper , In which you can say, "Hey, Home to Home Be sure to create a EditUserPlace (maybe you created with a field set to 52384), screen space and # editor: 52384.


    These start and stop your code. Each activity has a start method that is called a proper, you can determine that "when appropriate" is a means by creating a ActivityMapper , Which has a function called getActivity , accepts getActivity a place , and you have to decide that activity To return, if you have coded place , then "I'm on the home screen," you return HomeScreenActivity Can and, if Place means "I'm editing with 523,584 ID to the customer," you can return a EditClientActivity . You can add methods or constructors in an activity to pass in an ID like 523584.


    Use this item to communicate to different parts of your program. If you do not want to do this, you do not need to know a lot about it. - You can plug into Google's documentation (which you have linked), in


    This is a centralized object whose only responsibility is to create other objects is. If you want to simplify things, then you can also leave this concept - you will remember only on the central organization of your objects. The advantage of this is that if you later want them, a mobile version, or a mall-up-to - Want to switch to the tasting version, you can do this once in a single place at one place and in the rest of your program, you will have to change exactly from the central location. Wy when you can use a single object easily again, so whenever someone gets on #home You do not need to rebuild the entire main screen.

    Your real program

    All these items are for navigation only, your model, view and presenter, each activity s start () method, which framework calls when navigating your app to a new location. You should start your presenter in the Start method (usually a new example To experiment) and start your own performance (usually Using an example of re - client factory good for it). When you create your display, you know that by setting the framework to be the widget of AcceptedOneWidget , you know that your start method has been passed in.

    This is incomplete, but a good complement of the documents you specify:

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