css - @font-face works bad in windows (with firefox chrome ie) works fine in Ubuntu -

Here's my problem: Whether fadesa appears in the windows with the face of the font, I do not know why it looks ok in Ubuntu

You can see it

What's the problem?

Code css here

  @ font-face {font-family: Fida Sons; Src: url ('../ font / FEDRAS01.eot'); / * IE 6 + * / src: for url ('../ font / FEDSAB01.ttf'); } @ Font-faces {font-family: fedra suns; Src: url ('../fonts/FEDRASAM.eot'); Src: url ('../ font / FEDRASAM.ttf'); font-weight: bold; } TTF and ETFont are not enough for successfully embedding fonts on the web.    

Read here: and here:

Then you use @ font-face kit
