Currently I'm using ODP.Net.Is Oracle Instant Client Some sites to change this or addon 64-bit and 32-bit talked about using it for both machines.
My conclusion: ODP.Net is the client component of Oracle used to connect to an Oracle database. Oracle Instant Client is a method of setting up Oracle Client components (such as ODP.NET and OO4Os) on PC and is an option of complete client installation. Before Oracle 11G, ODP.Net was not included in the Oracle instant client so we can not use the Oracle instant client with those applications that use ODP Net. In Oracle 11G we can do. Other explanations: ODP. Net includes two DLLs: Oracle Data Aves and Oraps Oracle.DataAccess is managed del, which calls in OROops, which is unmanaged DLL which calls OCI calls in Oracle Client. The instant client has 3 or 4 DLLs, which are a small footprint Oracle Client enables the communication with the database from the client side application. Many drivers of middleware drivers can use the instant client: ODBC , OCI, OLDB, ODP, etc. The OCI database relies on the instant client DLS to pass the OCI call; It does not contact directly with the database. Therefore .. ODP & gt; Instant client & gt; Your Network & gt; Listener / Database / etc You can of course use Instant Client with things other than ODP.NET. You ODP.NET to Oracle Client Software (immediately, or complete). Oracle Database Instant Client (Odic) is not intended to change. Your ODP Net Attain for NET App; ODIC is used as Oracle Client so that you can replace your Todd or SQL Developer because when you prefer online-command, this ODIC can be used as an ODBC Application Client eg. In connection with your Oracle DB through Excel, the OIC does not operate any OS registry, so I also use it with the USB key. Resource: Oracle mini site Read on the mini site: I have not used it yet but have it in your ODP.NET ODAC * included, Oracle Services for ODP NET, MS, Oracle Provider for ASP.NET, Oracle Provider for OLE DB, and OO 4 OS with Oracle Instant Client
Oracle Database is not intended to replace the instant client (ODIC) ODP. Net or addon for net app;
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