I saw this code before, but I do not know what it means:
Var person1 = {toLocaleString: function () {return "Nikolaos"; }, ToString: function () {return "Nicholas"; }} Var person2 = {toLocaleString: function () {return "balm"; }, ToString: function () {return "Greg"; }} Var people = [person1, person2]; Warning (people.toString ()); Warning (people.toLocaleString ()); Does one object with toLocaleString and toString method ?? Or ... ??
This code is doing three things:
- To create an object instance
- Use the Anonymous Function Expression to create an object instance to bind the properties of the properties on the object literal syntax objects. (Functions are first-class objects in javascript, so you can keep their references, send references around).
- Specifically, it is overriding the two standard tasks that all JavaScript Objects
Object prototype Let's break it down a bit.
1) Object Article Notation:
var obj = {Proponent: ProVault}; In this case { and } indicates an object literally within any object, you < Code> propName: propValue to assign to propValue object name propName . This is the same: var obj = {}; // get an empty object obj.propName = propValue; // Add a property to it You can do multiple properties separated by commas. For example:
var obj = {author: "Douglas Adams", title: "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", Answer: 42}; It creates an object with three objects, two with string values and one with a number value.
Keep in mind that there may be an assignment on the right, and anything that can appear on the right side of an assignment statement:
var x = "bar" ; Var obj = {three: 1 + 2, fub: "foo" + x}; If you wish, you can put the property name in quotes:
var x = "bar"; Var obj = {"three": 1 + 2, "fiber": "foo" + x}; ... which is the name of a reserved token (such as "if", or "return") or pre-reserved token (like "class"), it is easy to specify This would be a syntax error if they were not in quotes.
2) Now see the function expressions:
var f = function () {/ * your code here} This function is expression; it creates a new function and specifies a reference on the variable f for it. You can call it by calling f () . var f = function (name) {alert ("Hi" + name); }; F ("Fred"); // Alert "Hi Fred" 1 + 2) Then placing the object together with the literal signaling:
var obj = {foo: function (Name)} {Warning ("Hi" + name); }}; Obj.foo ("Fred"); // Alert "Hi Fred" (I do not like anonymous functions, but this is another topic.)
3) And finally: as Marik did The specific functions used in that code are: toString and toLocaleString , both of which are standard functions of Javascript objects, that means they standard version < Em> override and whenever the standard function is called, return the given value.
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