java - Grails and consume SOAP webservice -

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I was thinking enough Grails for people to use a Web service in Grails projects, So the system's client side? Any recommendations? I am using people Groovis, Spring-WS, etc. What's a good and easy to use?

Grails CXF plugin is used here. Needs:

  1. classloader workaround - DynamicClientFactoryit change an existing classloader;
  2. And to hand over the WS invitation code

    In addition to that, the consumer code is very thin

    Edit :. Sorry, there is more, and I am not sure that I am not breaking and the NDA is still:

    # 1:

      DEF arrayOfLong = objectFactory.createArrayOfLong (XXX, ID) result = client.invoke (methodName, as an arrayOfLong object [])   

    # 2:.

      def DCF = DynamicClientFactory.newInstance () def classloader = Thread.currentThread () getContextClassLoader () // can create a WS client // and def customer = dcf.createClient (WSDL_URL, classloader ) (endpointUrl) Assign the end address to it // classloader because the 'createClient' change this deaf changedclassLoader = Thread.currentThread () retrieve. GetContextClassLoader () Def Object Factory = changedClassLoader LoadClass (FACTORY_CLASS_NAME). New version ()    
