I am trying to scan in a string and trying to store it in a straight one. I am not sure whether I am storing it wrong or I am printing it wrongly. I'm sure that since using the It is something I keep together, but when I print it, I get a junk number. I probably wanted to use pointers but my professor would not let us use it. That is why I am having trouble. Edit Your printing loop is within your reading loop. It is trying to print all travel information after reading for the first time. Edit: The problem here is that the way the A way around it might be to read in the string instead. The first non-whitespace character will start reading scanf for
for loops I have not ever done that I do not like to overwrite stuff to mention C . So I was not sure how to contact this approach.
#include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; #include & lt; String.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; # Defined Maximum 3 # Defined MAXTRIP Stretch 6 {Float Cost; Float time; }; Straight trip {char Dest_letter} Int stop_num; Straight stop leg [max]; }; Int main (zero) {int trip_num, index, i; Architectural travel trip [MaxTrip]; Printf ("Enter the number of visits:"); Scanf ("% d", and trip_num); Printf ("Please enter the destination letter / stop number and the cost / length of each stop: \ n"); (Index = 0; index & lt; trip_num; index ++) {scanf ("% c% d", and travel [index] .inst_letter, and travel [index] .stop_num); (I = 0; i & lt; travel [index] .stop_num; i ++) scanf ("% f% f", and travel [index] .leg [i]., And travel [index] .leg [ time I); } (Index = 0; index & lt; trip_num; index ++) {printf ("Trip:% d \ n Destination Letter:% C", Index + 1, Travel [Index] .Dest_letter); (I = 0; i [lt; travel] .stop_num; i ++) printf ("cost:% .2f \ nlength:% .2f", travel [index] .leg [i]. , Travel [index] .leg [i] .time); }}
scanf handles is unique, the way it handles the strings and numbers, the next character from the standard Reads, which is probably a new letter when you have finished typing the previous input. Then it tries to try an integer, but instead instead it finds the letter which you consume by using the
% c . This causes
scanf to fail and can not start
stop_num .
scanf and stop reading it on the first whitespace character. After that simply take the first letter from the buffer that you read in the string.
#include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Defined Maximum 3 # Defined MAXTRIP Stretch 6 {Float Cost; Float time; }; Straight trip {char Dest_letter} Int stop_num; Straight stop leg [max]; }; Int main (zero) {int trip_num, index, i; Architectural travel trip [MaxTrip]; Four buffers [10]; Printf ("Enter the number of visits:"); Scanf ("% d", and trip_num); (Index = 0; index & lt; trip_num; index ++) for {printf ("Please enter the destination letter / stop number: \ n"); Scanf ("% s% d", buffer, and travel [index] .stop_num); Travel [index] .inst_letter = buffer [0]; (I = 0; i & lt; travel [index] .stop_num; i ++) {printf ("Please enter the cost / length of% d: \ n", i); Scanf ("% f% f", and travel [index] .leg [i]. Coast, and travel [index] .leg [i]. Time); }} Printf ("% d trips \ n", trip_num); (Index = 0; index & lt; trip_num; index ++) {printf ("Trip:% d \ n Destination letter:% c \ n", index + 1, travel [index] .inst_letter); (I = 0; i & lt; travel [index] .stop_num; i ++) printf ("cost:% .2f \ nLength:% .2f \ n", travel [index] .leg [i] Travel [index] .leg [i] .time); }}
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