I want to download raw access logs from the Google app engine app written in Python.
I have tried the following commands:
epispapp request _logs --num_days = 2 ~ / document / workspace / logonizer / applog_29march.log gives me 47943 records.
but the only CLRL format in the header is the header epciphpi --severity =
0 --num_days = 2 request_logs ~ / document / workspace / lognolizer / applog_27March.log appcfg.py --severity = 1 --num_days = 2 - request_logs request ~ / documentation / workspace / logonlijer / applog_27March.log appcfg.py --severity = 2 - -num_days = 2 - Request_logs Request ~ / Documents / Workspaces / LogLogIizer / applog_27March.log appcfg.py --severity = 3 --num_days = 2 - Request_logs Request ~ / Documents / Workspaces / Lognilizer / applog_27March.log appcfg.py --seve Rity = 4 --num_days = 2 - request_logs request ~ / documentation / workspace / loganizer / applog_27merarch.log
I get altogether only 2000 records with detailed errors.
In my opinion, they should match 47 9 43 records.
App Engine uses circular buffers for different levels of logs - each intensity level For one When this space is over, it overwrites the oldest log entries. Consequently, your error logs will be far more than your warning log, which will proceed from the information log, and further - and the general HTTP request log will be kept for a long time.
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