winapi - Win32 Console -- Backspace to Last Line -

I am writing an order interpreter such as BASH, and a \ after a new line Continuity of input stream; How do I implement it in Win32?

If I use console mode with ENABLE_LINE_INPUT , then users can not press backspace to go back to the previous line; Windows prevents it from doing this, but if I have not set ENABLE_LINE_INPUT , then I need to manually move the cursor again, which is rather tedious that (1) the user has input Stream has been redirected, and (2) it may possibly

by any means is my new line and eat it too?


If I need indexed CSRSS port requests for this, then I'm still interested!

Assume that you want to run it in a window, such as the command prompt, instead of the full screen, the default As you can, you can create a GUI application with a large textbox. Users will type in the text box, and whatever you entered, you can output the same box (effectively the Win32 console is emulated).

Whatever rules you want, how the console behaves is entirely up to you.

I am saying this wrong, but I believe that Win32 Console works from XP this way, and it only listens for output on stdout; There should not be any reason why you can not do this.

Hope this was useful.
