svn - Can you disable version control integration in Xcode 4? -

I use to manage my Subrogation repository, so I do not need the integration of Xcode, and I do not see that the encoded Loading dumping is related to SVN-related output in my console (it recognizes that my project is local SVN copy) ...

Specifically, is the weight of the error: your working copy is an SVN status Returned "out "We (yet) do not message because my SVN: External.

It must be slowed down the IDE - does anyone know any way to disable SVN integration into encode 4?

Right! It seems to be good to stop it - just rename the following package name to anyone other than IDESubversion.ideplugin (I have changed my name IDESubversion-Disabled.ideplugin ). .

Xcode 5.1+
This is finally an underlying Xcode preference - for details.

Xcode 5 / Xcode 4.3 +:
/ applications / xidode / app / content / plugins / iiidusubbers.inindplugin < P> Xcode 4.0 - 4.2:
/ Developer / Library / Xcode / PrivatePlugIns / IDESubversion.ideplugin

Note that Xcode 4.0 & ; 4.1 (and possibly 4.2) the name of the extension seemed OK to change. With Xcode 4.3, you may need to leave the extension intact, and instead you may have to rename the part of the name of the bundle (to avoid error on the launch that people are described in the comment below).

Tip o 'cap:
