ftp - Dealing with whitespace in cURL -

I am trying to use cURL to transfer files to an FTP server, but for my life I can not understand how to deal with white locations in my directory name, for example, I'll try the following code:

  c: curl \ curl -tc: \ document and Settings \ outputfolder \ temp1.txt ftp://ftpsite.com/ - username: password   

but it "with curl" Punjab gives: Can not open 'C: \ Documents'! " I thought this is a problem with white space, so I tried to change it with% 20:

  c: \ cURL \ curl -tc: \ document% 20 and% 20 Settings \ outputfolder \ temp1.txt ftp://ftpsite.com/user User Name: password   

but then 'responds with curl: can not open' C: \ document% 20 and% 20 settings \ outputfolder \ temp1 .txt '!'

So, when I'm trying to specify the folder and file that I want to move, how can I go about dealing with the white space spaces? <

See wrapping your file names in double quotes.


  c: \ curl \ curl -T "c: \ documents and settings \ outputfolder \ temp1.txt" ftp://ftpsite.com/user Name: Password    
