I am developing a website on my forum server on Firefox 3.6
I have a CSS The file is linked to the site
I get lower fonts in the font stacking order like Nine Serif on the initial page load and then as the museo user of 300 and 500 for the forest as soon as the user clicks on another Is the page It works fine in other browsers too! The style of @ font-face used in the stylesheet is as follows:
@ font-face {font-family: 'permanent marker regular'; Source: 'truetype', 'url' ('../fonts / permanentmarker-webfont.eot #') format ('et'), url ('../fonts / permanentmarker-webfont.ttf') format ('truetype '), ../fonts/permanentmarker-webfont.woff') format ('woff'), url ('../fonts / permanentmarker-webfont.svg # webfontEHg8OqO7') format ('SVG'); Font weight: normal; Font style: normal; } @ Font-faces {font-family: 'Museo300'; Src: url ('museo300-regular-webfont.eot'); Src: url format ('./fonts/museo300-regular-webfont.eot #') format ('it'), url ('../fonts/museo300-regular-webfont.woff') format ('woff') , 'Url' ('../fonts/museo300-regular-webfont.ttf') format ('truetype'), url ('../fonts/museo300-revital-webfont.svg # webfontGEzJeS93') format ('SVG') ; Font weight: normal; Font style: normal; } @ Font-face {font-family: 'Museo500'; Src: url ('museo500-regular-webfont.eot'); Src: url format ('./fonts/museo500-regular-webfont.eot #') format ('et'), url ('../fonts/museo500-regular-webfont.woff') format ('woff') , Url format ('../fonts/museo500-regular-webfont.ttf') ('truetype'), url ('../fonts / museo500-regular-webfont.svg # webfontZgaZaaau') format ('SVG') ; Font weight: normal; Font style: normal; } Why would this happen on Firefox 3.6 for Mac, as I said it looks good on other browsers?
Generally, what I think of Firefox is CSS '
Font-family: "permanent marker reguler"; src: url ("../font / permanent marker-webfonts" it ") format (" brick "), url (" ../fonts / permanent marker-webfonts.tft ") Format ("true type"), url ("../fonts / permanent marker-webfone Format "(" Woff "), url (" ../font / permanent marker-webfund svg # webfont ehg 8 oako 7 ") format (" svg "); Font-weight: normal; Font-style: Normal;} Additionally you have a # at the end of the .eot file, I'm not sure why you need it < / P>
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