xml - Reading a Log4View Logfile using Log4net log4net.Layout.XmlLayout? -

I am trying to read a Log4net XMLLayout output log file using Log4View.

  & lt;? XML version = "1.0"? & Gt; & Lt; Log4net & gt; & Lt; Appender Name = "FileApender" type = "log4net.epadder.php filepider" & gt; & Lt ;! - Note: Make sure your user has write rights to this directory. - & gt; & Lt; File value = "C: \ temp \ logFile1.xml" /> & Lt; AppendToFile vlaue = "true" /> & Lt; Encoding value = "unicodefif" /> & Lt; Layout type = "log4net.layout.xmlLayout" /> & Lt; / Appender & gt; & Lt; Root & gt; & Lt; Level value = "ALL" /> & Lt; Appender-Rif Ref = "File Expander" /> & Lt; / Root & gt; & Lt; / Log4net & gt;   

log4net.config - An XmlLayout configured to log4net output

 . & Lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" & gt; & Lt ;! DOCTYPE log4net: Event System "log4net-events.dtd" [& lt ;! ENTITY Data System "ABC" & gt;] & gt; & Lt; Log4net: Events version = "1.2" xmlns: log4net = "http://logging.apache.org/log4net/schemas/log4net-events-1.2>))4 log4net: event logger =" hgmqtest._Default "timestamp =" 2011-03-28T11: 07: 57.0281466-04: 00 "level =" info "thread =" 9 "domain =" 5321f0e4-1-129457963430674694 "user name =" DOTNET_4_WORK \ leeand00 "& gt; & lt; log4net: Message & gt; Start: Page_Load & lt; / log4net: Message & gt; & lt; log4net: Properties & gt; & lt; log4net: Data Name = "log4net: Hostname" value = "DOTNET_4_WORK" /> ; / Log4net: Properties & gt; & lt; / log4net: Event & gt; ... & Lt; / log4net: Events & gt;   

C: \ Temp \ LogFile1.xml - Output of log4net log file

I have found tags around logging statements like.

Add file receiver dialog

When I drag my log file into log4view, the file's layout is specified by me that's the XML file. But when the log4View xml file An attempt to read logFile1.xml starts, no locations are being displayed. I will kill the area of ​​my application which shows the log statements. , But nothing happens in Log4View, although the new statement is being added to the log file

Any idea why this can not work?

I had the same problem. This is a bug, they have decided in the latest beta release. (Ver.2011.1.205.5) Click on the log-in view download page, click on the Beta release tab and get the beta version.
