I am trying to keep a record of which newsletters have received customers
< Code> TempQueryI want to take the field
It contains several numerical IDs and Combine it with two fixed values specified at a constant form
form! [FrmAddCorrespondence]! [TxtNID] form! [FrmAddCorrespondence]! [TxtDate]
Something like I
CustID NID Date 1 5 28/03/2011 3 5 28/03/2011 14 5 28 / 03/2011 56 5 28/03/2011
Again the field will be the same value for the NID and the date specified for each person on frmAddCorrespondence and the CustID is pulled from TempQuery.
I would like to have this a query, from which data can be inserted in the log table of all our previous anomalies.
Any help is greatly appreciated Thanks, Rob
Want to add a complete outline between the date and id entered on your temporary query and runtime?
If so, you can drink asses to two new column values (ID and date) as parameters for your query. Simply create a new query based on your existing one and add two column references to the new column.
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In response to your comment, yes, you can create a second attachment query in Access which takes all the columns from your query and adds two parameters to the control on your form.
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